Take off all clothes by depositing them into a container, since I don't need the pad for containers (may be an unnecessary step) 2. Save, load (may be an unnecessary step) 3. Mod configuration menu Uninstall 4. Exit menu, and see pip boy back on my arm 5. Mod configuration menu Install 6. Success, pad is working as normal.
Controls for Fallout 4 are listed here. The are shown for each console as well as PC.
Xbox One Controls
The Fallout 4 Gas Station Extended Mouse Pad is your refilling and sanctuary station in your journey. Apr 26, 2020 Fallout 4; Skyrim Special Edition; Fallout New Vegas; Oblivion; Fallout 3; The Witcher 3; Stardew Valley; Dragon Age: Origins. PiP-Pad 3 billion based on 0.5.
A - Activate
B - Open/Close Pipboy
X - Ready Weapon/Reload Weapon (Hold to sheath/holster)
Y - Jump
Start - Pause
Back - Point of View Toggle
RB - Bash/Power Attack/Grenade (hold)
LB - V.A.T.S.
RT - Attack
LB - Aim/Block
LS - Move/Sprint (click)
RS - Look/Sneak (click)
D-Pad - Favorites (A to select Favorite)
PS4 Controls
PC Controls
Fallout 4 Pipboy Tablet
W - Forward
A - Strafe left
S - Back
D - Strafe right
E - Interact
Q - V.A.T.S
R - Reload (can be used as alternate interact key by some mods)
R hold - Holster weapon
V - 3rd person view
V hold - Workshop (In settlements)
M - Map
I - Inventory
J - Data
O - Radio
K - Quick stats
Shift - Run
Ctrl - Crouch (stealth mode)
Space - Jump
Alt - Melee / power bash
Alt hold - Throw grenade
Caps lock - Toggle always run
Tab - PipBoy
Tab hold - PipBoy light
Left mouse button - Shoot
Right mouse button - Aim / block
Midlle mouse button - POV / workshop toggle
F5 - Quick save
F9 - Quick load
ESC - Pause
Fallout 4 Paddle
How to Wait
Fallout 4 Pad 4
Waiting is a little different than in past games where you could select the method via a button press. Now to wait, you must find a piece of furniture that you do NOT own and sit, which will allow you to initiate a wait period.